If the rust damage on your wrought iron fence is severe, you may want to consider getting it replaced.
A wrought iron fence adds a level of security as well as beauty to your property. They are durable fences, however, they do need maintenance over time. Any fence will experience wear from weather and time. If your fence becomes damaged, you should call your fence contractor to replace it. A damaged fence is not only an eyesore on your property, it can also be an invitation for burglars. If your fence is damaged or rusted, you may want to consider either repairing or replacing it.
Wrought Iron Fence Damage
If only a section of your wrought iron fence is warped or broken, it’s possible to replace just that section, rather than the entire fence. The process involves sawing off the damaged portion of the fence and replacing it with a new portion. Railings and fence posts are the most common parts of old wrought iron fences to become dislodged. These parts can easily be welded back into place. If a large portion of the fence is damaged or if the fence seems dangerous, it may be a good choice to replace it entirely. It’s best to call an experienced contractor to efficiently replace your fence.
Wrought Iron Fence Rust
In the case of rust, you should ask yourself a few questions. How bad is the damage? What is your budget? If you don’t have a high budget for fence replacement, you can easily and inexpensively cover up rust spots with paint. You should hire a professional painter to do this job since the process is somewhat complicated. If the rust is threatening the structural integrity of the fence, then it’s best to hire a contractor to remove or replace it.
Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA
Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA prides itself in installing fences at some of the most prestigious places in the world, as well as for many government agencies & and well-known businesses. We are proud of our unique and prestigious fence installations that we like to recognize as our “Signature” projects. Whether a custom installation designed by a Hercules professional, or a challenging project at a national landmark, Hercules fence takes a special pride in these jobs.
In addition to offering you experience and stability, Hercules Fence can offer the buying power of the largest fence company based in Virginia. Whether you are seeking chain-link fence, wood, PVC, ornamental aluminum, ornamental steel, decks, gate and operator systems, guardrail, dog kennels, wire mesh cages or construction panels, Hercules can buy the product at a price that will afford you value to complement our quality.
If you choose Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA today, you’ll learn why we’re the best in the business. The knowledgeable people of Hercules Fence have developed a reputation since 1955 for professional service and quality installation. With over 50 years in the fence business, we are well aware that our reputation must be earned anew every day.
Contact Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA today at (804)752-7992 or contact us on our website to talk about a residential or commercial fence.