Last week, we talked about how to install a residential fence and keep your neighbors happy at the same time. But what if your neighbor damages your new fence? Residential fence damage can be a tricky situation. Because the fence is on the border between two properties, it can sometimes be difficult to assess who is responsible for damage. What do you do if your neighbor’s tree falls on your fence? What if your neighbor is intentionally leaning and piling things against your fence that are damaging it? In any case, it’s good to know who is responsible and what actions to take if your neighbor refuses to compensate you for the damage.
Who is Responsible?
In most cases, if your neighbors damage your fence, they are responsible for providing you with compensation. In the case of a tree falling on your fence, their insurance may cover the damages. There are some cases where your insurance would be responsible for covering the damage to your fence. It’s best for both parties to contact their insurance providers to settle the dispute. If your neighbor has been intentionally damaging your fence, you can sue in small claims court. Just remember, this will affect your relationship with your neighbor; try talking to them first to see if they’re willing to pay for the damages. You never know when something that seems intentional was actually just an accident. If you do end up going to small claims court, make sure to be prepared with photos and documentation of asking for compensation.
Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA
Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA prides itself in installing fences at some of the most prestigious places in the world, as well as for many government agencies & and well-known businesses. We are proud of our unique and prestigious fence installations that we like to recognize as our “Signature” projects. Whether a custom installation designed by a Hercules professional, or a challenging project at a national landmark, Hercules fence takes a special pride in these jobs.
In addition to offering you experience and stability, Hercules Fence can offer the buying power of the largest fence company based in Virginia. Whether you are seeking chain-link fence, wood, PVC, ornamental aluminum, ornamental steel, decks, gate and operator systems, guardrail, dog kennels, wire mesh cages or construction panels, Hercules can buy the product at a price that will afford you value to complement our quality.
If you choose Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA today, you’ll learn why we’re the best in the business. The knowledgeable people of Hercules Fence have developed a reputation since 1955 for professional service and quality installation. With over 50 years in the fence business, we are well aware that our reputation must be earned anew every day.
Contact Hercules Fence of Richmond, VA today at (804)752-7992 or contact us on our website to talk about a residential or commercial fence.
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