If your property has a trash area on-site, consider installing a dumpster enclosure for your next fencing project.
If your commercial property or large residential complex creates a great deal of trash, you likely have a dumpster or roll-off bin lying around. Dumpsters are a necessary sanitation feature for all kinds of properties. Still, these bins can have some pretty significant downsides; foul odors, unwanted guests, and unsightly trash can push guests away and present safety hazards. Fortunately, installing a fence around your trash area can help. A dumpster enclosure is a common way for property owners to protect their guests, employees, and image. If your property has a trash area on-site, consider installing a dumpster enclosure for your next fencing project.
Your Dumpster Doesn’t Have to Be an Eyesore
Without a dumpster enclosure, your trash area is on display for the whole neighborhood. An exposed dumpster isn’t just an eyesore — garbage bins give potential guests, neighbors, and passersby a noseful. A smelly, disgusting dumpster area can drive away good business while attracting flies and other unwanted guests.
A Dumpster Enclosure Provides Safety and Security
Who’s to blame if a dumpster diver gets seriously injured while sifting through your garbage? If you’d rather not find out the limits of your insurance coverage, a dumpster enclosure might be a good investment. Dumpster enclosures are also helpful from a security standpoint. Some businesses must dispose of sensitive documents and other refuse that must not get into the wrong hands. A locked enclosure with high fences can keep opportunists from rifling through your trash, lying in wait for unsuspecting employees, or injuring themselves on your property.
Keep Animals and Unauthorized Garbage Out with a Dumpster Enclosure
Some trespassers don’t try to steal from trash bins at all — rather, they aim to dispose of their own garbage anonymously. Without a dumpster enclosure, random folks can put their incriminating, hazardous, or bulky trash in your bins. People aren’t the only unwelcome guests you might see in your garbage area. Raccoons, cats, flies, rats, and other animals are often attracted to food and other waste. An unsecured garbage area can be a breeding ground for pests and disease, but a dumpster enclosure can help keep some of these creatures out.
Hercules Fence is Here to Help
No matter what type of fence you have decided on, Hercules Fences has the expertise and equipment to construct your dream fence. Our experienced team can help meet your fencing needs, whether they are residential or commercial, for the right price. We proudly serve Albemarle County, Amelia, Ashland, Augusta, Buckingham, Caroline, Charles City, Charlottesville, Chester County, Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights, Cumberland County Dinwiddle County, Fluvanna County, and Fort Lee, Virginia, VA. Give us a call at 804-752-7992 or visit us online. To see examples of our work and keep in touch, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Pinterest.